photo Gilles Leimdorfer
Jean-René Marrec
The ceramics sculptures of Jean-René Marrec (born in 1953) are very well constructed, the rough and ready result of intensives series of drawings. They are often reminiscent of objects from the world of industry. some are sharp like a blade. Others are powerful geometrical shapes that interlink with one another in a simple yet complex manner. these massive works are created using the African coil-building technique, but are sculpted lightly using scraper, with a certain attention paid to the presence of a bevel or separation line. The clay, with an uneven surface testure, painted with successive layers of molten oxides, is metallescent and liminous. These sculptures could belong to a modern "bronze age" Carole Andréani
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After 20 years in country workshop in Langourla , I came to open the workshop gallery in Dinan with Maryline Berhault. We present our work as contempory forms of sculptures , modern and geométric,along with our paintings . Our gallery is in the heart of the medieval town of Dinan and is open to the public . Here we create our work which we exhibit and offer for sale. We can also carry out work for you to special order.
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Jean-René MARREC Born in 1953 in DINAN (côtes d'armor)
1965/66 : Working 1 month in Mr Curie (Trévigon) 1970/74 : Training courses with Philippe Isaac (Le Havre) 1974/76 : School of fine art Rouen (section céramique Mr Mauger) 1976 : Installation atelier Ajac (Aude) 1977/78 : Assistant chez Pierre et Danielle Bouthinon à Lagrasse ( Aude) 1979/80 : Co-installation d'un atelier avec Christizan Hadengue à Fa (Aude) 1981 : CAP ébénisterie à Saint-Malo (Ille et Vilaine) 1982 : Installation in Langourla and construction of a wood kiln " noborigama" (côtes d'armor) 1995 : Stay in Morocco to meet rural potters 2001 : Installation workshop in Dinan (côtes d'armor)
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Main exhibitions 1970 : L'écurie Lanvallay ( Côtes d'Armor 1991 : 5 Céramistes Eglise Anglicane Dinan (22) 1992/94 : Ceramic biennale Andenne (Belgium) 1995 : "de terre d'ombre à rouge brique" Atelier d'Estienne Pont-Scorff (56) 1996 : College art gallery Louis Guilloux Plémet(22) 1997 :Internationnal Biennal of Ceramic Art Brussels (Belgium) 1998 :exhibition of contemporary ceramic Villeurbanne (69) Gmunden (Austria) Le Poche-Café Dinan (22) "Sculptures" Atelier d'Estienne Pont-Scorff(56) Gallery Hamelin Honfleur (14) 1999 :Gallery Karen Gulden Paris (75) 1st prize ville de Melun (77) Espace Saint Louis Bar le Duc (55) Gallery Emanuelle Morin-Pittel Paris (75) 2000 : Espace Saint Jean Melun (77) Exhibition ofContemporary Art Concarneau (29) 2001 : Gallery Frédérique Thibault St Brieuc (22) Muséum of prehistory Le Grand Pressigny (37) Gallery Pierre Paris (75) 2002 : Gallery Collection AAF Paris (75) 2003 : Gallery du Martray Saint Brieuc (22) "Le Regard des Autres Museum of Saint-Brieuc (22) 2004 : Collégiale Eu (76) 2005 : Galllery Andréa Muller Ashafenburg (Germany) 2006 : Star Gallery Collection Strasbourg (67) Chapelle Bleue Ploermel (56) Secets d'Artistes Maison du Gouverneur Dinan (22) 2011 : Ecomusée Saint Jacut de la Mer(22) Fête du printemps Lycée de Caulnes (22) 2012 : Entre Terre et Mer Manoir de la Grand Cour Taden (22) 2013 : College Art GAllery Jean-Monne Broons (22) 2014 : Maison du Gouverneur du Gouverneur Dinan (22) Les Cordeliers Dinan (22) 2015 : Abstract Abbaye de Léhon (22)